Warm Coat Drive (details below)

January 21 - February 3

Online PreK & Kindergarten Registration (new families only) for 2025-2026 school year

January 22 - 24

Reed Spirit Day: Show Your Love for Reed School

Wednesday, February 5

Safe Routes to School Have a Heart Challenge

February 3 - 14

1st Grade Music Performance
Wednesday, February 12 at 8:30am

Reed PTA Meeting in Room 17 at 9:00am
Wednesday, February 12

Mid-Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
February 17 - 21


Dear Reed Families and Caregivers,

During this time, our thoughts are with the entire LA community, especially displaced students and schools. As we hear stories of people coming together to support others, including our own District PTA reaching out to help families in the Palisades Charter Elementary school, I am reminded how fortunate we are to live and work in such a tight knit and thoughtful community. Your family can continue to demonstrate this spirit of kindness by participating with us in the Reed School Great Kindness Challenge. Please read below for more information. Also be certain to look at the great photos from last week’s PTA sponsored Lion Dance. Students and staff were mesmerized by the performance!

Mary Niesyn & Staff


Reed School PreK & Kindergarten Registration: January 22-24 
PreK/Kindergarten online registration opens today for incoming students new to Reed School. If you have an incoming, age-eligible PreK or Kindergarten child, please register today.  Early registration is important so we can plan and secure staff and classrooms. Please also pass this along to any friends and neighbors in the district. 


*Current PreK & Kindergarten students do not need to re-register. Current students will remain automatically enrolled.


The Great Kindess Challenge • January 27-31
Once again Reed School will participate in the Great Kindness Challenge. This is a week dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion on campuses worldwide. As part of an annual tradition, Reed School is participating in this proactive and positive initiative from January 27-31. Activities that promote kindness will take place in classrooms across the school. Families might enjoy using the Family Edition Checklist to spread a little extra kindness throughout the community. Together, let’s see how many acts of kindness we can share!


Lion Dance


Specialist Corner: PE Note from Mr. Kaiser

We have been doing so many things in PE since the winter break. I'm not sure I can fit it all in this update! We are doing a unit I call Hand Strength . The focus of the unit is getting the kids prepped to climb the rope in the gym. We set up 4 different stations to help students develop upper body and hand strength. For grip strength, students learn to get themselves into position and hang on a bar without touching anything else for as long as they can. When they are waiting for their next turn, they can choose from 3 options all working on hand strength or eye hand coordination: ball and cup, juggling scarves, or the forearm rollers (a.k.a. arm torture). The 2nd station is called the 3-ring circus where students demonstrate proficiency at the broad jump, agility ladder, hand walking wall and cartwheels. The 3rd station started is the magic carpet ride.  Students sit on a carpet square and pull themselves across the gym either for fun or racing the person next to them. The 4th station is balance boards. After all this strength training, students will be ready to climb the rope next week. This is a “challenge-by-choice” activity where they can say, “Yes, please” or “No, thank you” when asked. Be ready to ask your student about their big day. Next month we bring down the gymnastic rings and teach students how to swing back and forth and stick the landing. This is always a major highlight of the year! Parents, please remember to dress your child  in comfortable, appropriate clothes and shoes for PE.


A Note from our School Nurse:
Respiratory (flu) viruses are spreading widely this time of year. Please remember a few tips to help keep our schools healthy:

  • Keep your student home if they are feeling sick. Students must be without fever, vomiting and diarrhea for over 24 hours without medication before returning to school.
  • Keep your family up to date on flu, COVID-19 and RSV vaccines (it’s not too late!)
  • Make sure your children get plenty of sleep each night (9-12 hours)

– Nurse Mankin


Lion Dance in Celebration of Lunar New Year

Your PTA Membership dues provided this student enrichment for all Reed students!

Reed Staff Appreciation Valentine’s Treat Bar

We will show Reed staff our appreciation this Valentine’s Day by hosting a Valentine's Treat Bar! Please sign up to contribute a Valentine's Day treat for our wonderful Reed teachers, specialists, and staff!

Warm Coat Drive
Winter is here and many families are in need of warm coats to stay comfortable and healthy during the colder months. We’re launching a Coat Drive to collect new or gently used coats for Holy Family Day. Holy Family Day Home provides family support services and affordable childhood education for struggling families in San Francisco. Look out for the collection rolling racks near the lost and found at school!

Your generosity will make a difference to ensure families stay warm this winter. Contact Shannon Everley (smeverley@gmail.com ) or Summer Singh (summerannsingh@gmail.com) with any questions or for more information. Thank you for your support!

#ReedKindness Valentine’s Craft Project

Reed PTA is spreading #reedkindness by sponsoring a special Valentine’s craft project for all Reed students to work on in class during the first two weeks of February. Reed Students will make Valentines for the residents of Aegis Living, a local senior assisted living community. 


If you have any questions about this project or have other suggestions on how to spread #reedkindness, please contact Rachel Berman ( rachelberman13@gmail.com).

Safe Routes to School

February 3-14 will be our Have a Heart Challenge. Teachers will count the number of students who walk, ride, bus, or carpool each day during those two weeks. The classroom with the most walkers or riders will win a popsicle party!


We need volunteers to help hand out materials and prizes - please sign up here!


2024-2025 Yearbooks

Reserve your child’s yearbook today!

Lost & Found

If you are missing a favorite jacket, sweatshirt or water bottle, please check the lost and found today or contact Alina Zyakun (alinazyakun.tca@gmail.com) before these items are donated at the end of the month.


A big PTYay to our Reed Adopt-A-Family Co-Chairs, Leigh Nile and Liana Johnson. Liana and Leigh did an amazing job bringing the Reed School community together during the winter holidays. They coordinated the family wishlists, communication with room parents, and recruitment of gift drop-off volunteers. In total, 347 gifts were purchased for 9 families in Marin. Thanks to generous parents like Liana, Leigh, and all of our PTA volunteers, the RUSD PTA can continue its mission to enrich the lives of our children and the school community.


::: Nominating Committee :::

The RUSD PTA is seeking PTA members to serve on the 2025 Nominating Committee for the PTA Executive Board.  The committee will be composed of five members and one alternate, with knowledge of all three school sites and their volunteer communities. Meetings of the Nominating Committee will be held in February and March with the goal of delivering a final slate by late March.

The names of those expressing an interest in serving on the committee will be voted upon by the PTA membership through a confidential online survey. To be considered, or to vote, you must be in good standing and be current with your PTA dues.

If you are interested, please contact Amy Dugdale (amy.dugdale@gmail.com) by January 30th.


Reporting a Reed School Absence 

All students are expected to attend school on a consistent and on-time basis. If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or leave school early for any reason, please be sure to email OR call and notify the office:



(415) 435-7840  extension #1


Please Provide the Following Information:

  • First and last name of your child
  • Your relationship to the child
  • Teacher's name
  • The reason for the absence or tardy

RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Mary Niesyn, Principal


Reed Elementary School