Upcoming Dates:

September 12th:  Back-To-School Night! 4:45PM: new parents/gym; 5:00PM: Welcome remarks/amphitheater; 5:30-7:00PM: classroom visits period 1-7 and Advisory

October 8th: Picture Day ~ Come to school with a SMILE!

November 1st: Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL)

November 11th: Veterans' Day (NO SCHOOL)

November 15th: End of First Trimester

November 25th-November 29th: Thanksgiving Week (NO SCHOOL)


Principal's Message




We are very excited to welcome you to Back-to-School Night tomorrow , Thursday, September 12th. All of the information you will need for the event can be found below. 


Today is Patriot Day, which exists for Americans to honor, reflect and remember the victims and first responders for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. I want to take this moment to think about the victims and their families. As we used to hear so much, we will “Never Forget.”


Looking forward to seeing those of you who can make it tomorrow night!



Chad Stuart (he/him)


Back-to-School Night Information


Back-to-School Night is tomorrow - Thursday, September 12th, starting promptly at 5:00 PM in our amphitheater (on the back side of the gym) for all parents and 4:45 PM in the gym for new and 6th grade parents or others who want information on accessing Alma and Google Classroom. After the introductory information, you will follow your student’s schedule to each teacher's class for seven minute periods. 


We are asking that you bring a copy of your student’s schedule with you for the night. All students filled out a schedule to give to you on Monday, so please ask your student for a copy of that schedule if you have not received it. You may also take a picture or a screenshot of your student’s MONDAY schedule from Alma (in order to do this, you will have to log on to your ALMA page. If you are having trouble logging in to ALMA as a parent please click HERE for instructions). 


The office will be open tomorrow night if you have any questions or needs, feel free to stop by and see office manager Laurie Kristy. We will also have several students on campus, wearing blue shirts, who will be available to direct you to the correct location if you need it. For your reference, HERE is a map of our campus. 

Please note that we would like all 6th grade and new parents to come to a 15-minute session in gym at 4:45 PM to learn how to navigate Alma & Google Classroom and to learn how our teachers provide feedback to the students. If you are not a 6th grade or new parent and you would like to have a refresher course on Alma, you are welcome to attend that piece as well. 


Here is the schedule for the night:


Parent Homework for Back-to-School Night


Our teachers often get questions about Standards Based Grading and Assessment, for this way of monitoring and reporting student progress can be different than previous grading systems. We ask that all parents view these two videos prior to Back to School Night to help become more familiar with our practices:


Parent / Community Expertise Form


We are looking for more ways to leverage the expertise of our parents, guardians and community members in terms of what our students are learning. With that, we are trying to get a bank of contacts from our community that lists their field of work and/or area of expertise. If we ever need a guest speaker, a panel of experts or a resource, we would reach out to these people to see if they are interested in joining us. If you are willing and interested, please add your name to this list using THIS link. If you know of anyone or any organization in the community who would be of value to add to our list, please share the link with them to add to our bank of names and resources. 


Grand Lodge Americanism Essay Contest


The Marin County Office of Education has passed on information on an essay contest. Money awards are given to the top three finishers at each grade level. More information can be found HERE. 


Lunch Program


Del Mar PTA Kick Off Meeting- Thursday, September 12th
We’re excited to kick off the school year with our first Del Mar PTA meeting on Thursday, September 12th, at 8:30 AM in the Del Mar Library! Come hear about the events we’ve been working on this fall and discover ways you can get involved in upcoming activities. Principal Stuart will be sharing important school updates, and we’ll also hear from the Foundation for Reed Schools. We hope to see you there!
Del Mar Spiritwear- Get Yours!
Our online store is open from September 12th until September 20th, midnight, so don't miss out on grabbing the latest Del Mar Spiritwear! Head to this link and show off your school pride with our fresh new designs. Get yours before they're gone!

Lunch Volunteers – Thank You!


A big thank you to everyone who has signed up! Most of the slots are filled, but we encourage you to add yourself to the subs list. It's always helpful to have extra hands available throughout the school year.


Join the PTA and Support Our School!


Join PTA and help make a difference. Your PTA dues support community building events, parent education as well as Del Mar specific events like Kindness Day, Turkey Trot, 8th Grade Graduation festivities, End of Year Field Trips, and Staff Appreciation.  Please pay your dues of $50 per student at this link.  Your support is greatly appreciated.



Del Mar Musical –  Fall Musical Revue!


We are thrilled to offer two amazing Musical Theatre opportunities for students this year! The fall program will be an 8-week experience focused on a musical revue of popular Broadway shows. Titled "Broadway Bound – A Musical Theatre Revue!", this program will give students the chance to showcase their talents through solo and ensemble singing, dancing, acting in short scenes, and even scriptwriting as we create a unique performance together. Please use THIS LINK to register your student for the Fall Musical.


Bike Registration Requirement/School Bus Contact


Don't forget to Register your student's bike using this link: https://bikeindex.org/**

You will receive a confirmation email from “Bike Index” after you have successfully registered the bike. Please forward a copy of that receipt of registration to Lisa Grinnell at lgrinnell@reedschools.org or print a hard copy and have your student bring a copy to the school office. Registration stickers will be coming soon!

Bus: Information about our school bus program can be found at the following site: www.buschallenge.org and if you have questions/issues regarding the buses, please email info@buschallenge.org


Women At The Top - a Free Screening at Tiburon Town Hall


The Tiburon Heritage & Arts Commission is screening Women At The Top and a live dance performance on Sunday, September 29 from 4:00 - 5:30 PM at the Tiburon Town Hall. More information can be found on the flier HERE.





Follow us on Instagram! You can find us in three places:


Student Bulletin


Keep a lookout for the Student Bulletin, so you can keep up with student news, sports updates, Advisory Challenges, Club News, etc. The Bulletin is generally a TV broadcast on Monday afternoons, plus a written copy is emailed to parents and students. A link to the Student Bulletin is HERE.


Del Mar Athletics


See the Athletics tab on our Website for Sports information.


Bell Schedule

Our 2024-25 regular bell schedule can be found HERE.


Attendance Instructions/Leaving Early?Arriving Late?


Please call the office on the day of your child's absence by 8:00 a.m. (435-1468, ext. 1) or email delmar@reedschools.org. This will eliminate the need for a call from the office. We expect students to attend school, unless there is an excused absence-for illness, injury, a medical/dental appointment or a religious holiday. All other absences are marked "unexcused." Absence does not excuse a student from the classroom assignment. All assignments are available on the teacher websites. It is the student's responsibility to check the websites and make up for missed work once they are healthy.


Students arriving late to school must sign in with the office and get a tardy slip before going to class.

If you need to pick your child up for any reason, please try to do so between classes, and be sure to remind your child to come to the office to meet you there, without needing a call from the office. If your child must leave in the middle of any class, please send your child with a note to give to the teacher so they can excuse themselves in the middle of class. We do not ever want to call into a classroom unless there is an emergency, so please plan accordingly! Any student leaving before the end of the day must be signed out by their parent or an authorized adult. 


We Are Here For You!


To locate teacher emails, click HERE, to call the front office dial 415-435-1468 ext. 2. For the office managers contact Laurie Kristy at lkristy@reedschools.org or Lisa Grinnell lgrinnell@reedschools.org, If you or your child need tech help, go to: https://help.reedschools.org/


RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Chad Stuart, Principal


Del Mar Middle School