Bel Aire 5th Grade Promotion

Thursday, June 13, 2024

10:40 AM - Noon

Del Mar Middle School 8th Grade Graduation

Friday, June 14, 2024 

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Last Day of School/Early Dismissal

Friday, June 14, 2024 


First Day of School

Thursday, August 22, 2024 


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RUSD Community,


This is the final Headline News of the year. Congratulations on another great year filled with student learning, excitement, accomplishments, and celebrations! Thank you to the RUSD staff for your tireless efforts, and thank you to all of the parents and other educational partners like the Foundation for Reed Schools and the PTA for your incredible support! “We are even stronger together!”


Annual Goals Accomplished - This year, we set out to continue to grow and develop. Our district priorities for the year were:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Academic Achievement
  • Math
  • Spanish
  • Inclusion / Safety
  • Communication / Marketing
  • Facilities Master Planning

I’m proud to say that all of these goals were accomplished with steps forward in existing plans, and new Board-approved plans that involved a wide variety of input. Thank you to the entire RUSD community!

  • Annual Report to the Entire Community - Check your mail this summer for our first Annual Report to the community. This will be a mini-magazine that highlights some of the events and accomplishments in RUSD. This will serve as an opportunity for all 3 of our communities to understand and appreciate some of the great things taking place in our schools.
  • Bus Passes On Sale - Annual bus passes for the 2024-25 school year are on sale at www.buschallenge.org. The cost of passes for next school year remains $345 each way.
  • Volunteers Needed for our LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan)  Parent Advisory Group - If you are interested in participating in three or four 2-hour meetings next school year in order to give the school district advice and perspective on how to spend funds and take actions that go above and beyond for our English language learners, foster, homeless, special education, and socioeconomically disadvantaged students, we’d love to hear from you. Please email Nicole Trickett at ntrickett@reedschools.org to express your interest.

Best regards,


Dr. Kimberly McGrath
Reed Union School District
"We are even stronger together!"


The Board of Trustees reviewed the following items at the RUSD Board Meeting on June 11: 

  1. Board of Trustees Update – The Board of Trustees extended congratulations to our graduating 8th graders and thanked all our students, teachers, administrators, staff, volunteers, and families for a wonderful year. Members of the Board also reported that they attended the memorial services for Ashley Williams, the board workshop on budgeting, and the JPA meeting for the Yellow Bus Program.
  2. Superintendent Update – District Superintendent Dr. Kimberly McGrath provided an overview of the school year, including integration of new families from East Corte Madera, roll-out of new communication tools, focus on safety, expansion of Pre-K program, attention to field trips, and receipt of various awards by the Del Mar robotics and speech and debate programs. Dr. McGrath also reported that the JPA is working diligently to try and address capacity issues on the Magenta bus line for next year.
  3. Strategic Plan Framework – The Board of Trustees approved the 2024-30 Strategic Plan Framework [linked here].
  4. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) – The Board of Trustees approved  the 2024-2025 LCAP [linked here].
  5. 2024-2025 Reed Union Budget – The Board of Trustees approved the budget [linked here].
  6. Amendment to Superintendent’s Employment Agreement – The Board of Trustees approved a two-year extension to Dr. McGrath's employment agreement, extending the term until June 30, 2027.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2024.


The Board of Trustees reviewed the following items at the RUSD Board Meeting on June 4: 


  1. Introduction of the New Chief Business Official – Dr. Kimberly McGrath introduced Dr. Chris Kim, the new District Chief Business Official.
  2. Board of Trustees Update – The Board of Trustees recognized Pride Month and reported that they attended the Celebration of Education, the district volunteer luncheon, end of year music and art presentations, MCSBA dinner, and the Walk through the American Revolution by the fifth grade.
  3. Superintendent Update – District Superintendent Dr. Kimberly McGrath reported on upcoming professional development, that our TK program for 2024-25 is fully enrolled, on the August kick-off activities planning for new and returning staff, and on the evolution of the music program at Bel Aire.
  4. Draft Strategic Plan Framework – Dr. McGrath presented an updated draft of the 2024-30 Strategic Plan Framework, and the Board discussed various edits and refinements. The final framework will be brought back at the next regular Board meeting for approval.
  5. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) – Dr. Kimberly McGrath presented the LCAP framework and the new LCAP to the Board. The Board then held a public hearing on the LCAP.
  6. LCAP Parent Advisory Group – Board approved the creation of a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Parent Advisory Group.
  7. Presentation of the Proposed 2024-2025 Reed Union Budget – Mr. Carlos Estrella presented the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year, and the Board then held a public hearing on that proposed budget.

The Board of Trustees will hold a study session on June 8, and the next regular Board meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2024.


Celebrating a Fantastic Year
Thank You from Your PTA!

Dear PTA Members,

As the week wraps up and another school year draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to all of you incredible members. This year has been a whirlwind of learning, laughter and growth for our students, and it wouldn't have been possible without the dedication of each and every one of you Parents & Teachers (PTA).

This year, we increased our membership by 137 new members, seeing a 41% jump from the previous year. The PTA’s strength comes entirely from its members and our immense growth made it an even more powerful force for good. Your tireless efforts of volunteering have made a significant impact on our school community. Collectively we are looking at around 10,165 volunteer hours! 

A special thank you goes out to our departing PTA board members, whose leadership and commitment were instrumental in achieving so much this year: Michelle Wilson, Connie Maddox, Julie Ohara Stewart, Emily Chiswick-Patterson, Kalon Gutierrez, Mark Bourguignon & Wendy Martin.

As we gear up for summer break, please enjoy reading our ANNUAL REPORT, highlighting all the amazing work we have accomplished together. You’ve all earned a well-deserved rest and relaxation!

Thank you once again for your incredible support. Here's to a happy and healthy summer break. See you on August 22, for the first day back. As always, this is your PTA. 

Mickey Bruce Hubbell
President, RUSD PTA

RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Dr. Kimberly McGrath, Superintendent

Tel: 415-381-1112


