Mid-Winter Break (NO SCHOOL)
February 18 - 23
Walk & Roll to School
Wednesday, March 6
Reed PTA Meeting
Wednesday, March 13 at 9:00am in Room 17
Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, March 18
Reed Book Fair
March 25 - 29
Reed Book Fair Family Night (Save the Date!)
Wednesday, March 27 from 4:00-7:00pm
Dear Reed Families & Caregivers,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today certainly was a fun filled day with joy felt across the campus. Students expressed much excitement sharing and receiving Valentines with one another. Thank you to our families and caregivers for supporting your child in addressing Valentine cards for their classmates. Thank you also to our thoughtful PTA for sponsoring our Valentine #ReedKindness project. Last week, every student across Reed School created a beautiful Valentine wreath for the residents of Aegis Living in Corte Madera. Way to go Reed Raccoons—what a great way to spread kindness with others! Be sure to read below to learn more about the many events that took place in the last few weeks including 100th Day, Global Playday, Community Time Buddies, and a special drama assembly for our 2nd graders. Enjoy a wonderful Presidents’ Day holiday and Mid-Winter Break.
Warmly, Mary Niesyn & Staff
100th Day of School Hard to believe, but on February 7 we celebrated the 100th day of school. Throughout the day, students participated in a variety of classroom lessons and activities exploring the theme of 100.
Presidents’ Day Reed students enjoyed learning all about Presidents’ Day during our Community Time assembly.
Reed School Global Play Day Last Friday, Reed School participated in Global School Play Day. Students and staff engaged in various hands-on, interactive activities throughout the day. Students practiced the 4 Cs in Learning: communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking in the context of interactive play.
Community Time Buddies As an extension to our weekly Community Time assemblies, Reed School has begun monthly Community Time Buddies. During Community Time Buddies, two mixed grade level classes and several staff members join together and do a schoolwide activity/lesson. Last week our focus was a social/emotional lesson focused on using kind and true words to solve a problem. The lesson began with a schoolwide read aloud of Cat’s Not So Perfect Sandcastle: A Kimochis story. It certainly was a delight to walk through classrooms and see students of all ages working together.
Del Mar Drama Class Presents for 2nd Grade Last Thursday our entire 2nd grade was treated to a special live performance by the Del Mar 7th & 8th grade Drama Class led by Humanities teacher Ms. Abby O’Leary. The students performed 3 short plays. What a treat it was for our students!
Specialist Corner: Music Note from Ms. Balfe
Hello! Since I last wrote, Tiburon has had some rain storms and Reed Raccoons have enjoyed singing a silly version of Singing In the Rain (ask them to show you!). Other songs you might be hearing around the house right now include Magic Penny by Malvina Reynolds and a Reed School version of Everybody (original version by Ingrid Michaelson with new words by Joni DeGabriele). The lyrics talk about caring for others, being inclusive, and being friendly. Everyone wants to love and be loved! Students are singing, dancing, identifying rhythms, keeping the beat, sharpening their ability to discern different pitches by ear, fine-tuning their voices, and having fun! Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Lunar New Year!
Left to right: Kindergarteners enjoying a Lunar New Year celebration with a Dragon dance; 1st grade students singing Magic Penny; 2nd graders practicing a Bamboo stick dance from Southwest China
Register Now: 2024-25 Reed School PreK & Kindergarten PreK/Kindergarten online registration is open for incoming students new to Reed School. If you have an incoming age-eligible PreK or Kindergarten child, please register as early as possible. Early registration is critical so we can plan and secure staff and classrooms.
*Current PreK & Kindergarten students do not need to re-register. Current students will remain automatically enrolled.
Thank you to our Reed community for spreading #ReedKindness to the residents of Aegis Assisted Living in Corte Madera! Last week, our Reed Racoons created adorable heart wreaths for Aegis as part of our annual PTA-sponsored #ReedKindness Valentines Project. Thanks to our Reed students, teachers, staff, volunteers, and #ReedKindness Chair Kristina Van Prooyen for helping to spread the love.
Thanks also to the generous families who contributed treats to our Valentines Treat Bar for Reed Staff to show our amazing teachers and staff just how much they are loved! Check out photos on the RUSD PTA Instagram feed @rusdpta
The 2023-2024 yearbook promises another fun-filled, all-color, book of school day memories. While you’re checking off your back-to-school list,
reserve your child’s yearbook today!
Please contact Jennifer Schmidt (jenniferjschmidt@gmail.com) or Bobbi Kezirian Kleinbrodt (bobbi.kezirian@gmail.com) with any questions.
Please note: If you have multiple Reed students, you will need to do separate SchoolPay transactions to purchase each student’s yearbook. If you experience an issue with SchoolPay, please log out of SchoolPay and purchase each yearbook as a GUEST.
To confirm whether you have already purchased a 2023-2024 Reed Elementary yearbook, please search your email for the following keywords (with no quotation marks): SchoolPay E-Receipt Reed Yearbooks 2023-24
First Grade Level Coordinator and PTA volunteer extraordinaire, Dawn Garrison, is a regular fixture around the Reed campus contributing her time and energy in so many ways. Among her many volunteer roles, Dawn regularly teaches yoga at Reed, helping to bring mindfulness and flexibility to our youngest RUSD students. From jumping in to help out with last year’s Field Day to taking on a leadership role as part of this year’s Reed Book Fair team, Dawn is a gem. We are so fortunate to have parents like Dawn in our Reed community. Thank you, Dawn and to all of our Reed volunteers!
Reporting a Reed School Absence
All students are expected to attend school on a consistent and on-time basis. If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or leave school early for any reason, please be sure to email OR call and notify the office:
(415) 435-7840 extension #1
Please Provide the Following Information:
- First and last name of your child
- Your relationship to the child
- Teacher's name
- The reason for the absence or tardy
RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.
Mary Niesyn, Principal
Reed Elementary School