Winter Break
December 25 - January 5
Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, January 8
Students Return to School
Tuesday, January 9
Reed PTA Meeting
Wednesday, January 10 at 9:00am in Room 17
Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, January 15
Spots & Stripes Spirit Day
Wednesday, January 17
Dear Reed Families & Caregivers,
As 2023 comes to a close, I want to take a moment on behalf of the entire Reed School staff to express our sincere gratitude to our students, families, and caregivers for such a successful first half of the school year. We also want to thank our amazing PTA for ensuring that the year ended on a special note for many families throughout Marin by organizing the Adopt-a-Family holiday share (see photos below). We send an additional thank you to our PTA and to the many parent volunteers for creating a beautiful holiday lunch for staff. It was a very special treat to sit down together and enjoy a beautiful holiday meal. Reed School truly is a special place to be!
Reed School wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to seeing our Reed Raccoons in the new year (January 9th).
Warmly, Mary Niesyn & Staff
Spreading Joy throughout our Community
Our heartfelt gratitude to the PTA for organizing the district-wide Adopt-a-Family program and to our entire community for your generosity and commitment to ensuring that families across Marin enjoy the happiest holiday season.
Message from District Office: Covid tests being sent home with your child on Friday
Marin County Public Health continues to strongly promote testing as a means of monitoring and addressing Covid-19 within our community. This week, RUSD is sending home testing kits with all children to ensure all families have access to test kits. We do not require testing to return to school in January. We strongly encourage families to test prior to children returning to campuses so we can maintain healthy learning environments for our students and staff. We hope you have a safe holiday season!
Specialist Corner: PE Note from Mr. Kaiser
In PE we converted the gym into an 8-lane bowling alley with great music, laser lights, and a disco ball! The students learned how to throw a bowling ball with one or two hands just like the pros! They also practiced teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship rotating through the various jobs on their lane. The first and second graders used tally-mark scoring to determine which team had the highest score in our annual bowling tournament. I'd like to share a special shout out to all the teams for demonstrating good sportsmanship whether they won or lost. And a HUGE thank you goes out to the dozens of parent volunteers who helped support our students!
In the weeks leading up to the winter break we played a game called Multiball Scooterboard Soccer and Defend the Fortress. This week the students will see how many levels they can get to playing Battleship!
*As always, we are grateful to the Foundation for Reed Schools (FRS) for supporting our specialists!
Interested in Being a Reed School Aide? If you, or someone you know, is looking for one of the best part-time positions working with a great team and amazing children, this could be a perfect fit. Please reach out to Juli Tantum or Isabelle Moattar in our front office for more information (415-435-7840).
2024-25 PreK & Kindergarten Registration While it is hard to believe that 2023 is drawing to a close, it is even harder to believe that we are gearing up for our 2024-25 PreK & Kindergarten registration. Online registration opens Wednesday, January 17 for incoming students new to Reed School. If you have an age-eligible PreK or Kindergarten child, please register as early as possible beginning January 17. Early registration is important so we can plan and secure staff and classrooms. The official link will be active the morning of January 17.
*Current PreK & Kindergarten students do not need to re-register as they will remain automatically enrolled.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - SPRING EVENT PLANNING! Friday 1/12/24, 8:30 AM, Bel Aire Staff Development Room We are looking for volunteers to join our Gala, Auction, and Boutiques teams. Would you like to get involved? Please swing by! You'll get a sneak peak at the plans for this year's events. We'll make it a quick one and assign people to teams and get going! Can't make it but would like to get involved? Email:
Thank you to all of our amazing Reed parents and PTA volunteers who have so generously volunteered your time, energy and support in 2023. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to more fun PTA activities, events and volunteer opportunities in 2024!
Adopt A Family
An ENORMOUS thank you to our incredibly generous community! This amazing group provided 273 gifts to 9 Marin families, bringing holiday cheer and happiness to so many.
A big shout out to Jessica Etchevers for organizing this inspiring effort and to the volunteers who helped transport the gifts to the Adopt a Family office - we appreciate you! We are so proud to be a part of this community and wish you a joyous and relaxing holiday season. Happy 2024!
Reporting a Reed School Absence
All students are expected to attend school on a consistent and on-time basis. If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or leave school early for any reason, please be sure to email OR call and notify the office:
(415) 435-7840 extension #1
Please Provide the Following Information:
- First and last name of your child
- Your relationship to the child
- Teacher's name
- The reason for the absence or tardy
RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.
Mary Niesyn, Principal
Reed Elementary School