November 30th (Tomorrow): Screenagers the Movie-see below. 6 PM/Del Mar gym
December 14th: Winter Concert /Del Mar Gym/6:30 PM
December 25th-January 8th: NO SCHOOL/Winter Break
January 9th, 2024 (Tuesday): Back to School!
January 15th: NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Day
February 19th-23rd NO SCHOOL/Mid-Winter Break
March 18th: NO SCHOOL/Staff Development Day
April 8th-12th: NO SCHOOL/Spring Break
I hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving with people you care about. It is always a holiday I enjoy because it makes me remember to connect with those I love, and also to be thankful for those around me. That extends to the students and staff at Del Mar as well as you, our community. We have a great school with amazing students. The culture is an extension of our community values. I thank you all for the partnership.
As we are moving into our second trimester of the school year, I wanted to take a moment to think about a critical aspect of our students' academic success: Homework and Study Habits. Developing effective study habits and a conducive homework routine is key to your child's progress. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to create a quiet and organized study space at home where your child can focus on their assignments without distractions.
Additionally, setting a consistent homework schedule and encouraging your child to break tasks into manageable chunks can be incredibly helpful. Please remember that open communication with your child about their schoolwork is crucial, so feel free to ask questions, offer assistance when needed, and provide positive reinforcement for their efforts. Together, we can empower our students to thrive academically.
Chad Stuart (he/him) Principal
First Trimester Report Cards are now published in ALMA and were emailed to you today. Please take time to sit with your child and have a conversation about their learning this past trimester and discuss their goals and intentions for Trimester Two. Remember, if you have any questions about grades in any classes, please reach out to that specific teacher or have your child do so. Teacher email addresses can be found on THIS LINK. If you need a refresher on our grading policy and philosophy, please visit THIS link. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE 6th grade parents and those of you new to the school to view that link in order for you to understand are grading philosophy at Del Mar and how to interpret the report card.
Marin County is seeing more and more accidents involving eBikes. Please read THIS press release and THIS bicycle safety "dashboard" provided to us from the county health department.
On November 14th, Tyler Randazzo, Lead Instructor for Marin Safe Routes to School, presented in all of our P.E. classes to educate our students on e-bike and e-scooter safety and the legalities and laws with e-bikes and e-scooters. His slideshow is attached HERE.
As our school district indicated in the November 15th Headline News, beginning January 8th, 2024 (following our winter break), Del Mar Middle School will no longer allow Class-3 e-bikes and all electric scooters on our school campus. Class-3 e-bikes and electric scooters, per California Vehicle Code, require the rider to be 16 years old and possess a driver's license, and are illegal for elementary and middle-school students to use as a mode of transportation in Marin. If your child currently uses a Class-3 e-bike and/or an electric scooter, please be sure to adjust your child's mode of school transportation.
Turkey Trot Changed to December Dash
Unfortunately, a severe rainstorm forced us to cancel our annual Turkey Trot fun run on November 17th. We have rescheduled and retitled the event; it is now the “December Dash” and will take place on Friday, December 22nd. We are hopeful for good weather that day.
Warm Clothes Needed for PE
The Physical Education Department would like to remind you that the cold weather is here! Your student is encouraged to have warm clothes over their PE uniform. Students should be sent to school with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that they can keep in their PE locker. This will enable them to bundle up when they’re outside, and remove layers as they warm up. Please send your child with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, preferably with no zippers. If your student does not have one of these items at home, please have them stop by the main office and we can help provide them with one. Thank you from the Del Mar PE Department!
Action Item--Adopt-A-Family
SCREENAGERS- MOVIE TOMORROW! Parents and Students are Welcome to Come! 6PM/Del Mar Gym
Join Us ~~~ PTA Sponsored Parent Education Event at Del Mar!
The award-winning documentary Screenagers will be shown this Thursday at 6pm in the Del Mar gym. Screenagers - Growing Up in the Digital Age, is an award-winning movie that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, and academics.
After showing the movie, we will hold a panel discussion moderated by our school psychologist Dr Kover, with pre-teens and teens who are facing the struggle of technology, and discuss potential solutions and boundaries parents can implement. We will also hold a Q&A discussion and provide parents information on more resources.
Please RSVP via EventBright HERE
Please join us for an evening ZOOM meeting to hear from representatives from the RUSD school board, the Foundation for Reed Schools, and the District PTA Executive Board. Reed, Bel Aire, and Del Mar Site Chairs will share site specific updates. Each site will still hold their regularly scheduled meetings. We scheduled the meeting later to accommodate working parents and teaching staff. This is your PTA!
December PTA meeting cancelled - see you In January! Please save the date for our next PTA Meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 8:30 in the Del Mar Library. We hope to see you there.
Last Call for Spirit Wear for December If you’d like to receive Del Mar Spirit Wear in time for the holidays, be sure to order before the online store closes this Sunday, December 3rd. ORDER HERE
Student Bulletin and Handbook
Check out our weekly Student Bulletin, where students (and parents) can keep up with student news, sports updates, Advisory Challenges, Club News, etc. The Bulletin is read live on Del Mar TV on Monday afternoons, and emailed to parents and students. Here is a LINK to the Bulletin.
Our student handbook is linked HERE.
Del Mar Athletics- See Our Website
Basketball Tryouts are soon! Sign ups are in the office!
If your student is interested, make sure they sign up, get a permission slip
and listen out for Bulletin announcements.
Bell Schedule
Our 2023-24 regular bell schedule can be found HERE.
Please keep sick children home and please call the office on the day of your child's absence by 8:00 a.m. (415-435-1468, ext. 1) or email This will eliminate the need for a call from the office. We expect students to attend school unless there is an excused absence-for illness, injury, a medical/dental appointment or a religious holiday. All other absences are marked "unexcused." Unexcused absences do not excuse a student from classroom assignments.
Arriving Late? Leaving Early?
Students arriving late to school must sign in with the office and get a tardy slip before going to class. No call or email is needed when students are leaving early, but please follow these instructions:If you need to pick your child up in the middle of the day, please try to do so between classes, and be sure to remind your child to come to the office to meet you there, without needing a call from the office. If they must leave in the middle of a class, please send them with a note to give to that teacher so they can excuse themselves. We do not ever want to call into a classroom unless there is an emergency, so please plan accordingly!
To locate teacher emails, click HERE, to call the front office dial 415-435-1468 ext. 2. For the office managers contact Laurie Kristy at or Lisa Grinnell, If you or your child needs tech help, go to:
Follow us on Instagram! You can find us in three places:
RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.
Chad Stuart, Principal
Del Mar Middle School