Parent Teacher Conferences

November 6 - 9

12pm Dismissal

Food Drive (details below)

November 6 - 16

Veterans Day (NO SCHOOL)

Friday, November 10

Ruby Bridges Walk & Roll to School Day

Wednesday, November 15

District PTA Meeting on Zoom

Wednesday, November 15 at 5:30pm

Thanksgiving Recess (NO SCHOOL)

November 20 - 24

Winter Wear Spirit Day

December 6


Dear Reed Families & Caregivers,

It was wonderful seeing so many Reed parents and caregivers at our Halloween parade last week. Did you know that we had over 800 of us altogether to share the fun! Thank you to the many volunteers for organizing festive classroom celebrations. It certainly was a “spook-tacular” day! 


We now look forward to the season of gratitude & giving at Reed School. Reed teachers and staff are working together to create a variety of lessons and activities for students to experience this throughout the season. In addition to classroom activities focused on gratitude and giving, our amazing PTA is working hard to create school wide opportunities for students and families to express and share gratitude.
One important school wide activity is the Reed School Holiday Food Drive. The Marin Food Bank is in need of donations of all kinds of foods to ensure that families in need will enjoy a holiday meal. Toward this end, we are asking each family to participate in our Holiday Share. Please make sure your child is actively involved in the planning, selecting, purchasing, and donating of the items. Participation in the entire process will help your child internalize these positive character traits. Collection bins will be located outside of our front office beginning November 6-16


Please take a look below for additional activities and fun that have taken place at Reed School during the past few weeks.

Mary Niesyn & Staff


Halloween Fun with our Entire Reed Community: What a great day!

Recess & Lunch Volunteers: Please help me give a Reed School shout out to the many parents volunteering at recess & lunch. We appreciate you!

Reed Students Recognized for their "Skippy the Shark Coloring Efforts": Reed School received a surprise visit from Tiburon Police Chief Jean, Cindy Neill, and Andie Denelvo. Students were recognized for submitting their amazing artwork of Skippy the Shark in the Tiburon Police Art Contest coloring contest. Be sure to look for the contest again next year!

Reed Students Learn about Veteran’s Day at Community Time


Thank you to everyone who participated in Pledge Day!  We are so grateful for your support and your investment in our children and schools. 280 families pledged over $1 million!  Amazing!


You still can!  We still need many more families to give to fulfill our $2 million grant to RUSD.

Support our schools today!


The Annual Reed Racoon Food Drive - now through the 16th!

Thank you in advance for your generosity!




Coming Soon! Reed PTA is partnering with Adopt A Family of Marin to support families (shared across classes in each grade) in the Marin community during the holidays. With our community support, we can make a difference this holiday season. Look for more information coming soon through your Room Parents.


Walk and Roll for Ruby on November 15. Join a national celebration of the spirit of Ruby Bridges who, as a six-year-old African American in Louisiana in the 1950s, successfully helped to integrate an all-white school. It was Ruby’s daily walk to school, despite bullying and threats, that we’ll celebrate together by walking, rolling, carpooling, or parking-and-walking to school. Come to the Safe Routes to Schools’ welcome table on the morning of Nov. 15 to receive a prize!

Please find additional information in the Safe Routes to School Newsletter


November District PTA Meeting Wednesday 11/15/2023 @ 5:30PM


Please join us for an evening ZOOM meeting to hear from representatives from the RUSD School Board, the Foundation for Reed Schools, and the District PTA Executive Board. Reed, Bel Aire, and Del Mar Site Chairs will share site specific updates. Each site will still hold their regularly scheduled meetings. We scheduled this meeting later to accommodate working parents and teaching staff. This is your PTA!




Reporting a Reed School Absence 

All students are expected to attend school on a consistent and on-time basis. If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or leave school early for any reason, please be sure to email OR call and notify the office:

(415) 435-7840  extension #1


Please Provide the Following Information:

  • First and last name of your child
  • Your relationship to the child
  • Teacher's name
  • The reason for the absence or tardy

RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Mary Niesyn, Principal


Reed Elementary School