Halloween Parade

Tuesday, October 31

8:45-9:15am (please read below)

Picture Make-Up Day

Wednesday, November 1 (details below)

2nd Grade Parent Talk with Dr. Van Putten

Wednesday, November 1

8:30-10:00am - Room 17

Pajama Day

Wednesday, November 1

Parent Teacher Conferences

November 6 - 9

12pm Dismissal

Food Drive (details below)

November 6 - 16

Reed PTA Meeting

November 8

9:00am in Room 17

Veterans Day (NO SCHOOL)

Friday, November 10

Ruby Bridges Walk & Roll to School Day

Wednesday, November 15

Thanksgiving Recess (NO SCHOOL)

November 20 - 24


Dear Reed Families & Caregivers,

Fall has arrived at Reed School and with it comes the comfort of routines. Students and staff have settled into daily routines making space for special activities, adventures, and schoolwide special events. Our first grade classes enjoyed a special visit from the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District. Students learned all about the life cycle of mosquitoes. Be certain to ask your child all about it. Our entire school was treated to a special event when one of our 2nd grade clubs shared their “Reed Bop'' video at Community Time. We all joined the fun and danced together learning the moves. Another special activity at Reed School is welcoming the Del Mar Leadership Class. These amazing middle school leaders come to Reed School on a biweekly basis to support students across the entire campus in classrooms, at recess, at snacktime, and in specialist classes. We are lucky to have such amazing role models on campus. Be sure to mark your calendar for a very special schoolwide event— the Reed School Halloween Parade. Please read below for details about the day. 
Looking forward to seeing you then!
Mary Niesyn & Staff


Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule:

Friday, November 3 is the end of Trimester 1. Parent/teacher conferences will take place Monday, November 6 - Thursday, November 9. School dismissal time is 12noon. Buses will continue to operate. School lunch will be available “to-go” for students. 


Trimester 1 Report Cards:

Your child’s Trimester 1 report card will be emailed directly to you on the afternoon of Friday, November 3. It also will be available through Alma. Please look for an email on Monday, October 30 which will include instructions for accessing Alma and a letter explaining the report card format. 


Youth Truth Family Survey Coming October 30- November 17
Look for an email in the weeks ahead to the Youth Truth Family Survey. Every RUSD family is encouraged to participate in the survey and share your personal perspective across several aspects of school functioning. Your feedback is invaluable and we use it at both the school and broader district level to inform, strengthen, and expand our practices. Thank you in advance for your participation!


Halloween Fun at Reed
With Halloween just around the corner, we wanted to make sure that you all have the most up-to-date information regarding Halloween festivities at Reed.  We have contingencies in place rain or shine!
General Guidelines:

Costumes: Costumes are optional. Students wear costumes to school.  Please be sure to select an appropriately themed costume for your child. Costumes may not include weapons, masks, or be overtly scary (this includes parents). Be mindful that our students are young and scary images can be overwhelming. After the parade, students will change into their regular clothing. Costumes will be placed into backpacks.


Classroom Parties: Classroom parties have been scheduled at the discretion of the classroom teacher. All guests must sign in at the office before proceeding to the classrooms. Party activities and treats have been arranged by the classroom teacher and the class event coordinator. Please do not send in extra candies or sweet treats for your child to share. Thank you. 
School Wide Parade: Our school-wide parade is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31st from 8:45am to 9:15ish on the blacktop. Parents, caregivers, and non school-age siblings are welcome. Parents must wait on the blacktop before the parade. Please do not escort your child to his/her classroom either before or after the parade. Teachers will bring students down to the blacktop to form a large circle. Parents and guests form an outer circle.  This will allow for equal opportunity picture taking! Parents may not stand in the center of the circle or in front of the sound system, as this is reserved for students only.
School Wide Parade — In the Event of Rain: Parade will be relocated to the MPR. Due to limited space and fire code restrictions, the parade will be a student-only event. Unfortunately, parents are not invited to attend. Classroom parties will continue as scheduled
Visitor Check In: All guests must check in at the tables in front of the office. Please have your SchoolPass QR code ready on your phone to expedite the process. Gates will open for guests at 8:35am. Guests may not be on campus without a visitor pass.  Guests are asked to form a large outer-circle on the blacktop. Look for cones with teacher names.


Use this link to review Halloween Safety Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics 2023


Del Mar School leadership class visits Reed School!


First grade classes enjoying presentations by the Marin/Sonoma Vector Control. Students will continue their learning with the materials that are in classrooms through the week. 


2nd Grade "Reed Bop" Video

Picture Make-Up Day

For students who missed picture day, the make-up day is Wednesday, November 1. Please email Isabelle in the front office if you would like your student to have a picture taken that day. Please copy the teacher in the email as well. Thank you!


On Wednesday November 8th at 9am in Room 17, please join us for our monthly PTA meeting with a 45-60 min walk to follow. Everyone is welcome!


If you are missing a favorite jacket, sweatshirt or water bottle, please check the lost and found today (or contact Shay Kanjora at shay.chicci@gmail.com) before these items are donated at the end of the month.


Coming Soon…The Annual Reed Racoon Food Drive!!

Thank you in advance for your generosity!



EVERY WEDNESDAY is Walk and Roll to School Day. Join thousands in Marin who walk, park and walk, bike, carpool or bus to school! On November 15th and December 6th, find our tables at the front circle to enter the raffle and grab a prize!

BUDDY UP is a contest to get students to walk, park and walk, bike, carpool or ride the bus together. Now through October 31, sign up your group of two or more students from neighboring families to travel to or from school together. Tell us your success story! Habits are more likely to stick when families support each other. There’s safety in numbers and groups are more easily seen by drivers. Best of all, friendships and fun memories are formed! There will be a $50 award for 5 winning groups. Notifications will be sent out in early November.


Starting this month, the PTA will launch a new initiative called the PTYay. It will be a platform where we introduce, recognize, and thank our wonderful PTA members. Today we’d like to highlight four parents that have done an exceptional job building community. 


Bel Aire and Del Mar
Thank you to our PTA New Family volunteers, Christine Neumeier and Christine Patel. Over the summer, these PTA rockstars reached out to new incoming families to Bel Aire and Del Mar.  They helped to arrange buddies to ease the transition for new students. They also held a new family meet and greet before the school year began as an opportunity for the students and parents to meet each other. It doesn't end there, Christine and Christine continue to mentor new families to ensure the students and parents transition smoothly! Both Christines rocked this role. Why? Because once they were "the newbies." Christine Neumeir is originally from Germany and moved to Tiburon in 2015. She is mom to 8th grader Maximillian and 5th graders Korbinian and Ferdinand. She is an avid athlete who enjoys running, biking and tennis. Christine Patel moved to Tiburon from San Francisco in 2020. Christine's children, 6th grader Layla and 8th grader Jayden, are both at Del Mar. Christine also enjoys tennis, outdoor adventures and karaoke. RUSD PTA is thankful to you both for your volunteer time in helping to make our new families feel at home!  

A big PTYay to our Reed PTA Towntastic Co-Chairs, Michelle Thomsen and Sophia Ghaffary.  As the first Reed-wide community building event of the school year, Towntastic plays an important role in welcoming new families to the RUSD community and reuniting returning families after the summer break. Towntastic Co-Chairs, Michelle and Sophia did an amazing job bringing the entire Reed School community together for an evening of fun, friendships, and “futuristic” creations. They went the extra mile putting together this beloved Reed annual tradition by incorporating a new “futuristic Tiburon” theme, recruiting a great team of volunteers, and streamlining the concessions check out process to ensure that families spent more time visiting with each other than waiting in line for food. Thanks to generous parents like Michelle, Sophia and all of our PTA volunteers, the RUSD PTA can continue its mission to enrich the lives of our children and the school community.


Reporting a Reed School Absence 

All students are expected to attend school on a consistent and on-time basis. If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or leave school early for any reason, please be sure to email OR call and notify the office:



(415) 435-7840  extension #1


Please Provide the Following Information:

  • First and last name of your child
  • Your relationship to the child
  • Teacher's name
  • The reason for the absence or tardy

RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Mary Niesyn, Principal


Reed Elementary School