Optional Family Assignment for Mid-Winter Break

Thinking About What We Value 

Dear Reed School District Families:

A few weeks ago a parent asked how the district marked Presidents Day. Since schools are out of session, and there are so many other claims on learning time, it’s easy to have this day pass without fanfare.  

But this learning moment doesn’t have to be bypassed this year. As families, we can pick up this responsibility! We will likely have much more time together this coming week than usual. It seems to me that we honor our presidents, and particularly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, because major parts of their lives embody traits in our country that we prize. So what do we want to share with your children about the lives of these two leaders, or others? Here’s hoping that we find time to support your student’s education in American history by discussing what they know, what we value, and what we remain curious about.

Our stories, both as families and as a country, shape what we think and what we do. Here’s hoping learning in all its forms continues as we leave the classrooms this coming week.



Kevin Skelly, Ph.D.

Interim Superintendent

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. 
Abraham Lincoln

RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


Kevin Skelly, Ph.D.
Interim Superintendent