Welcome Back to Bel Aire!

Principal's Newsletter #1

August 9, 2022

Important Events

MCOE Public Health Update 

Monday, August 15th, 4 PM

Zoom Link

Second Day of School

Friday, August 19th

8:00-2:35 (regular dismissal)

Picture Day

September 2nd


PTA Meeting

September 7th


First Day of School

Thursday, August 18th

8:00-1:35 (early dismissal)

New Family Welcome

Friday, August 19th


Labor Day

September 5th - No School


Bel Aire Back to School Night

September 8th



Dear Bel Aire Families, 

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! It seems like just yesterday that we were bidding a fond farewell to the Bel Aire class of '22, and now we're ready for the next chapter! I don't usually make bold predictions like this, but I'm pretty sure that it's going to be the BEST YEAR YET! 


I hope you all had some great family time this summer. I can't wait to hear all about the adventures (and misadventures) from your children. The DiCosmo family spent time outdoors, being active every day of the break, and it was fantastic. 


The first day of school begins Thursday (8/18) at 8:00 AM, and with dismissal at 1:35. PM Log in to your Alma portal on Wednesday (8/17) after 4:00 PM to view class placements. Friday (8/19) is a regular day, with dismissal at 2:35 PM.  


Morning drop-off will be at the bottom of the hill on Karen Way. It's a great spot to take pictures, see old friends, and make some new ones. If you are driving, please go slowly around the local streets and be mindful of our neighbors--avoid blocking driveways. While I'm thrilled to be able to welcome parents and caregivers back to the Bel Aire Campus in an increased capacity this year, for student safety, right now we're asking parents not to come up the hill for morning drop-off and afternoon pickup--thank you.


I look forward to partnering with you on your child's education this year!


John DiCosmo


Bel Aire Elementary School


The Bel Aire Family handbook outlines some of our programs, policies and procedures, and the expected behavior for our community. It has been written by staff and students. Check it out!


Schedule Information for Week 1

First Week School Hours

8:00am-1:35pm Thursday, August 18 (Early Release Day)

8:00am-2:35pm Friday, August 19

Regular School Hours

8:00-2:35pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

8:00-1:35pm Wednesdays (Early Release Day)

Lunch-Universal Meals Update


Reed Union School District will have a new lunch program starting this year. All students will be able to receive both breakfast and lunch free of charge. Monthly menus will be posted on our school website. Unlike in the past, there will not be a need for parents to make a meal selection. Students may choose to take advantage of the provided meal that day or not. 


While the lunch program is free to all, students are always welcome to bring their own lunch to school. 


We will keep you posted about our new meal programs, with further details, at a later date. 


Just like with our former ChoiceLunch program, parent volunteers (you) are needed to make the distribution of breakfasts and lunches run smoothly. The Bel Aire PTA will be supporting this effort--thank you PTA!


New Family Welcome!

Families new to Bel Aire are invited to join me for a Zoom chat to review some of Bel Aire's programs and schedules. Tell a friend! The session will be recorded for those who cannot attend live. Friday, August 19th at 9:00 AM



Bus passes are on sale now!



Parents, please email any absences to Belaireattendance@reedschools.org.  Please state the child's full legal name, your name, reason for absence and, if ill, the symptoms and/or diagnosis.


Additionally, you can call our attendance line at 415-388-7100 X2004 to report absences. We expect students to attend school, unless there is an excused absence-for illness, injury, a medical/dental appointment or a religious holiday. All other absences are marked "unexcused." 


Students arriving late to school must sign in with the office and get a tardy slip before going to class. Any student leaving before the end of the day must be signed out by their parent or an authorized adult. 


RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.


John DiCosmo


Bel Aire Elementary School


(415) 388-7100